BLANCO Y NEGRO DOS GRINDYS DISCOMIX (EXPANDED AND REMASTERED) (2CD) MXCD 4210 Super re-issue remastered and expanded from one of our late italodisco favourite megamixes made in Spain. Mixed originally by the Spanish DJ Dimas Carbajo, the re-issue includes an extra megamix from DJ Funny, including the same repertoire from the original megamix. CD2 includes the 12” version of all the tracks. Añadir al carrito
Últimas unidades en stock Dance 80-90-00 DISC-JOCKEY MIX by MIKE PLATINAS & JAVIER USSIA (2CD) DRKMIX2000 Remastered re-issue of the 3rd megamix released by Mike Platinas and Javier Ussia. Añadir al carrito